
#OAP101 3 Things to Note when Co-hosting a Radio and Television Show or Event

Hi all.
Today I am answering one of the questions sent to us via dm on Instagram.
While on radio, I host my show alone, I have worked with co-hosts for television, youtube shows and also as an M.C at events.
What benefits are there when it comes to having a co-host?
The 1st is you have someone to cover for you if you're having an off day or minute, or cannot make it on the show in the case of media.
Another benefit is the instant interaction it gives because you have someone to bounce things off with and everything is conversational.

Sometimes there is a disadvantage to having one though. One big disadvantage is in cases where one person dominates the others or thinks of themselves as 'main' host. Another disadvantage is sharing the spotlight if you absolutely love it!

So how do you handle it and ensure you and your co-host deliver quality content to audiences and guests?
1. Understand that your co-host also has valid points, thoughts and feelings. Both of you need to find a way to work together as opposed to making it seem like a turn by turn thing. Bring ideas to the table, concede to some of theirs and suggest what you think will work.

2. Plan and Practice before you start
Before the show or event starts, it helps to speak to your co-host and for both of you to speak about things like who handles what, how you start and end the show etc.
Recently I had the pleasure of co-hosting at an event and my co-host and I decided we would start the show together, alternate going on stage and then close together and it worked brilliantly.
I have also been blessed to co-host with Ali Baba who had so many ideas and gave me space to shine.
I thoroughly enjoyed cohosting with Peter Kajovo

3. Emphasise each other's strengths and uniqueness.
Remember that if you both decide to speak and act the same, there is no point having two different people hosting. What you should do is play to each other's strengths and let each other shine.
I hope these help.
If you have questions for me, please leave them below as a comment, or send us a DM via our Instagram page, or my Twitter page.

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