

Hi guys!!! Monday is upon us again, I'm sure we are all doing well as many of us have the holidays ahead to look forward to. Today we are crushing on someone who has just achieved a feat in his life and we are so proud of him. 
Micheal or Ampsalmist (as he calls himself) is a film maker, editor, director, and script writer. He's a winner of the just concluded #Acceleratefilmmakerproject and his new movie premieres  today, there couldn't have been a better time to have this interview Enjoy! 
1)     You studied Mechanical engineering while in school, how did you discover your passion for script writing and movie making?

MICHAEL: Haha! Yes, I am a trained Mechanical Engineer! I do not remember exactly how I discovered my passion for script writing, it goes as far as I can think. For film however, it has to be when I had “correct sense”, sometime in secondary school. I just usually saw a lot of mistakes and was always commenting, then I started reading a lot and being involved in a lot of drama groups as literally anything. I started out acting, then writing, then I learnt how to direct. It’s a lifelong learning process, so I try to get around a lot of workshops, conversations and of course, film sets, it really helps to grow.

2)     How did you feel getting to the top 5 on the accelerate film maker competition and what's the biggest lesson you learnt from the competition?

MICHAEL: The experience at the Accelerate Filmmaker Project was unforgettable! Every day was such an education! An education filled with theoretical, practical and life experiences. As each facilitator stepped into the class, it quickly turned from a dream come true to a determination to make them proud because of the raw passion poured into their session. I can never forget it!  
- The biggest lesson I learnt from the competition is COLLABORATION! Film is a collaborative effort! It takes a VILLAGE to create a scene! 

3)     Your dream screenplay will be about what? ----(in one word)

MICHAEL: Africa.

4)     You have a day job as a brand manager, how do you find the time to work on your screenplays?

MICHAEL: Well, finding time is about planning and prioritizing, PLUS fighting laziness is necessary! I do not write daily but I definitely do something script-related. Read, write, develop, but I grow daily. 

5)     What’s one thing you hope to have done in the next ten years?
MICHAEL: One thing I hope to have do in ten years is INSPIRE Africans to go for greatness! 

6)     What’s your favourite movie?
MICHAEL: This changes but “The gods must be crazy” by Jamie Uys still has my heart.

7)     If you could get a Hollywood actor to star in your movie, who would it be?
MICHAEL: Leo-Idris Di Caprio-Elba. (Just take the name like that)

8)     What’s on your mind this Monday?
MICHAEL: F I L M and the power that comes with it. I strongly believe that film has influences beyond what happens in those minutes on screen. All decisions are from what we have seen, heard or believe, and I’m grateful film gives us control over that to such a large extent. So, be careful as to what you allow yourself to see and hear because more than you know, it influences how you act.

hmm, very powerful ending words.
Stay inspired!

IG: Amapsalmist
Twitter: Amapsalmist

His short film 'PENANCE' premieres soon

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