

Hi everyone, so very quickly allow me to tell you guys about this series I just discovered and am currently obsessed with. It's a series that touches on the lives of a newly wedded young couple and it basically portrays their joys, challenges, and how they overcome. Boy this series takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions! You'll legit be crying at something very emotional that has just happened and in that same minute something funny happens that reminds you it's not that deep.  The series is called -THIS IS IT and I was honestly very amazed by it, I just had to find the writer- Coincidentally, she's also the writer of my best short movie- BRAVE. You can imagine my joy when she agreed to do this short interview-Today is a powerful Wednesday and we have a powerful woman to beautifully complement the day, Our woman crush is the talented Dolapo Adeleke AKA Lowladee. Enoy ;-)

Hi Lowladee!

1)      You started your media house, Doreen media Africa, soon after your graduation from the university, did you get any professional training before then ?
Lowladee: I didn't get a professional training. Haha I know right! but see there's information around us.  I consumed a lot of materials; reading on Google and watching videos on Youtube to be honest and then I practised a lot with short films.I really wanted to go to film school but it was way too expensive Jeezes! That way I knew where my strengths were and developed on it.

2)      What experience would you describe as life changing in your CAREER so far?
Lowladee: Wow, it has to be THIS IS IT series. It's been the most challenging, the most stretching, and the most rewarding.

3)      ‘Taxify’ is a major sponsor for the second season of your hit series ‘This is it’ how did that happen and how easy/hectic is it getting funds for a movie project?
Lowladee: Haha,  We (I and some Execs) used our funds to film season 2. Taxify only came on board a week to us releasing it online. They supported with us some money, and also lots of Taxify units for the Execs. They aren't a major sponsor that's why on our artworks it's 'Supported by' not 'Sponsored by'. It's really hard as an independent to get money from the big corporate. I mean, we even sealed one but their timing didn't work with mine and so I turned it down.

4)      What keeps you going when things aren’t moving as well as you’ve planned?
Lowladee: GOD. Literally. I would have lost my mind a long time ago.

5)      What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?
Lowladee: I'm a home buddy but being snuggled under my duvet seeing a movie and traveling!

6)      What do you think about the most when you’re in your car?
Lowladee: Recently? You don't even want to know. Whispering* In recent times, some male specie. Other than that, I'm looking forward to my vacation in January. Haven't had one since I started working. Ever. But If you mean generally, I usually just think about random stuff. Its one of the moments I get to think about other normal things in life asides work.

7)      Tell us 3 (material) things you can’t live without?
Lowladee: My laptop, headphones and Wifi.

8)      What advice would you give to your 20 year old and 40 year old self?

9)      What’s on your mind this Wednesday?
Lowladee: I have just wrapped up THIS IS IT show, and it feels great, I feel stretched and free, I can now play so yea you guessed right, my vacation in January. Hehe!

Hope you enjoyed that?
Stay Inspired!

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