

Hi all! Happy Monday. It was a very busy weekend for me and today hasn't quite settled in as a Monday. (Work from home problems LOL) In anyway, the joy today's interview gives me knows no bounds and that's because our MCM is the main character in my best Nigerian movie of 2017 -Picture Perfect. Our Man Crush is Bolanle Ninaowo AKA Nino. I mean, his character in the movie was the perfect edge that the movie needed. I am very happy to have chatted with him and he easily revealed so much. I hope this enlightens, entertains and inspires you. Enjoy :)

Hi Bolanle!

1)     Why exactly did you choose to be an actor and not something else?
NINO: Truth is I always wanted to do something that was driven by my passion. I had done other things before acting but I never found fulfillment. I was once an accountant and later a banker for a few years. At some point I had to summon the courage to embark on a new journey of self discovery which for me was the prerequisite to self fulfillment. ‎Entertainment was a key place of interest since most of my life inspiration came from there. I loved success stories; to see people go from nothing or being no one to become something the world appreciates was one of the biggest admiration. That to me was the definition of passion and to find your passion, you need to try many things so I decided to give acting a try. I immediately found love for it and the next thing was how to turn my new found love into a craft and eventually a career. With all my past lessons, experiences and hard work coupled with God's grace, wisdom and favor, I took a small step everyday, remained focused on my goals and today I am seeing dreams come to reality. I have chosen to be an actor because that's where I found my passion. Something I would do under any given circumstance whether for free or to be paid. It is something I can and have invested myself in. It is my dream turn reality.

2)     Your role as ‘Jobe’ in the movie ‘Picture Perfect’ gained so much traction, how does that make you feel and what made you confident enough to take the role?

NINO: I thank God for Grace. I feel extremely grateful to God. As I mentioned earlier, passion is what drives my life. I found love for a craft where you have to constantly challenge yourself to gain or achieve any substance. My ‎goals and self expectation are my core reasons for taking the role. I realized early in life that if I want the benefit of anything, then I must also be 100% open to the costs of it. I must be willing and able to give everything for what I want. Thank God for the opportunity and the wisdom to make the right decisions. I went into solitude for the "Jobe" character. I did all I could with the limited resources I had which were to self coach on his accent, I went to motor parks to study the mannerisms he needed, I was a bus driver and also took turn as the bus conductor at the popular Ojuelegba for two weeks as part of my main study. I surrounded myself and liaised with people of his caliber throughout the period and when the time for filming came, I went in with God and did my part. Today I have seen that God was indeed with me as a result of Jobe's acceptance. I am overwhelmed and extremely thankful to God and all who came together to make the film a reality. Jobe was a big risk I took which could have made or broken my career. I give all the glory to God for his grace has made the result a favourable one.

3)     What has been the proudest moment you’ve ever had since the beginning of your career? 
NINO: My proudest moment was at the private screening of the picture perfect movie.‎ It was my first cinema appearance in a movie with no famous guest appearance so I didn't know what to expect. My experience from start to the finish at the event was overwhelming. It has to be my proudest.

4)       Do you sometimes get scared of the future and how do you deal with the feeling if it comes? 
NINO: Yes I do but I have been able to control my fears over time by building and utilizing daily rituals which becomes a norm over time. I create mantras to guide myself by sharing them with friends. I inspire myself by inspiring others. I tell others what I want to hear to help me move forward. First I commit all to God and then I make use of the things I have control of in the best positive manner I can. I realized that my fears are feelings and not facts and every step I have conquered today was at the death of a fear. I remain counting my blessings, then I find myself counting many more. I keep the bible which I call my manual of life close to me for reference in the time of fear or confusion.‎ The only fear I have today is the fear of God taking his grace from me. I have almost become proficient at fighting and overcoming any others.

5)     Tell us one valuable lesson you’ve learnt from acting that actually applies to real life? 
NINO:  It's that"Time and Chance happens to all"

6)     If you could be in a movie/series you like, which would it be?
NINO: It would be Xmen. I would love to be Wolverine.

7)     Please give us an insight into the various stages of preparation you (personally) go through when there’s a movie shoot ahead?
NINO: First I read my script, then I read a second time with focus on the character I am playing. I do the necessary research on key facts concerning the character in cases where I get to play people from various professions. I pray, and then I go on set‎ and give my best.

8)     What’s on your mind this Monday?
NINO: Thank God for Grace. Lets go and prosper

Stay Inspired guys!

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