

Monday is here again. *whoop whoop* It's always an amazing time getting to pick the brains of people doing great stuff and an even more amazing time sharing the content with you guys.
Today's MCM is a person who is usually heard before seen. In fact, I think I can bet that if you're reading this, you've probably heard his voice before. He has voiced countless commercial jingles and is currently the main voice behind Ebonylife TV's montages. 
Our MCM today is Mazi'no Appeal Ofoh,  a voice over artist, TV personality, writer and he combines all this with a corporate job.How interesting!

Hi MaZi'no!

1) You are a voice over artist and TV Host; has this always been a dream AND how does it feel being on this path?

MAZI'NO: Well it feels great! But by that I mean the Voice over artist bit. I’ve never really come to terms with being on TV. I still get reminded from time to time like “Hey, aren’t you that guy on TV?” TV for me was really not part of the journey I set out to take. I had run away from it for so long. But, I think I enjoy that too, by virtue of the people I work with. What I really miss is the privacy that comes with being on Radio. That seems like such a long time ago now.

2) If you were to have a perfect day, tell us 3 things that must happen on that day?

MAZI'NO: Ha ha! A good laugh, Long open road trips on my bike and the thought that I have a family that loves me. That last bit is what keeps the sanity.

3) Is there something in your industry that you wish or want to change?

MAZI'NO: You’d have to be specific what industry though… I do have a corporate job you know. But if you are referring to the voice over industry, I wish we could get the respect and pay our international counterparts get. It is beginning to happen, but we need more.

4) What inspires you?

MAZI'NO: Life; That there is so much out there yet undone. And ability; that I can do it. 
And then there is the FEAR of failure. I dread that.

5)If you could voice any popular animated character, which would be top on your list?

MAZI'NO: (Laughs) Groot! I don’t have to say much, and then I get paid!

6) Please inspire us this Monday; what's one advice/mantra that you hold very dearly?

MAZI'NO: Escape. Be more you. Do more you. Never be pressured by people. Love life within the limits of it; It was meant to be enjoyed.

7) What’s on your mind today?

MAZI'NO: A road trip with my wife; Reignite the passion we have for each other. I just set the dates. Wanna come? On second thoughts, No! Three is a crowd.

LOL. Interesting interview right? Catch up with Mazino here :

Stay Inspired!

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