

Hello everyone-Boys and girls, Ladies and gents. Hope everyone is doing well? If this is your first time reading an interview from our 'MCM' segment, you're welcome. On Mondays, we try to bring unique interviews that are sure to inspire, entertain and sometimes, educate you. If you're a regular reader, you probably know that already! Okay enough of that, its time to introduce you to our man crush today. His Instagram page @akinfaminu is to die for (I'm serious) ;One of the most interesting pages ive ever come across. His style makes fashion look as simple as ABC (But we all know it's hardwork though)- It's AKIN FAMINU
I was able to get some interesting facts about him, I hope you'll Enjoy! 

Hi Akin!

1) It's interesting that you're in the medical and fashion fields at the same time. Are there times when you've had to choose one over the other and how do you balance it out? 

 AKIN: It's more of balance and time management actually, and of course you have to prioritize, so everything has it's place.

3) The blogging sphere is quite saturated, what will you say has helped you to distinguish yourself over time?
 AKIN: Personal style, Identity and Consistency

4) What keeps you going when things are not moving quite as well as you will like them to? 
 AKIN: God and passion for everything I do

5) One food you can't do without?
 AKIN: like every other Nigerian, Rice 😂

6) Who's your favorite style blogger?
 AKIN:I don't have a favorite actually, I respect different people for their uniqueness.

7) One popular fashion trend that you actually don't like?
 AKIN: It's a personal opinion, but jumpsuits for men, nah.

8) One thing you want to do but haven't done yet?
 AKIN: Grow my brand bigger than it is now.

You can get to know more about Akin by checking out his website-

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