

'You are not for everyone and everyone is not for you. Don't try to please everyone.'

Hey Ladies and gentlemen,

Can I get a 'yaaaay' for our WCW today because I'm very pumped. She's a model, actress, TV Host and the head of operations at CBL Africa. You'll most likely have known her from the just concluded big brother Naija where she was one of our favourite housemates. *Drumroll please as we crush  on the beautiful Antoinette Munirat Lecky popularly known as Anto. Enjoy ;)

 Hi Anto!

1) We all know the reception has been crazy since the Big Brother house, but if you had to choose one, what would be the biggest lesson you learnt from being in the HOUSE ?
ANTO: Don't judge a book by it's cover. Someone may look like they have it all together, but might be going through a lot. Someone may come off as childish and unserious, but can be very focused and driven.

2) You’re quite passionate about sports, what’s something you’d like to change in the Nigerian sports scene? 
ANTO: I would love for Nigerians to know names of clubs and team players, the same way they can list all the clubs in Champions League. Nigerians need to be more supportive of home-grown talent and home-played sporting events.

3)   One mantra you live by is…..... 
ANTO: You are not for everyone and everyone is not for you. Don't try to please everyone.

4)   What’s one thing you'd like to say to your '20 year old' and '50-year old' self respectively? 
ANTO: To my 20 year old self, I would say Forgive yourself for your own and other people's mistakes. To my 50 year old self, be happy because you lived your life the way you wanted, to more years of you.

5) You must have times when things aren’t going as well as you thought they would, how do you get yourself back up during those times? 
ANTO: Unfortunately, I actually dwell a lot when things don't go as planned, but I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason, so I try to think about the positives in any situation and move on to bigger and better things.

6) Who’s your WCW today and why?
ANTO: Genevieve Nnaji because she's WCW every Wednesday. She lives the life I'm trying to live. Nice and private, and when she lets us in, we feel so fortunate that she's sharing her life with us LOL

7) What’s on your mind this Wednesday? 
ANTO: Hoping that we have a sell out show this Sunday at the comedy stage play titled "Official Couple" that I will be starring in and co-producing.

Thanks for being our WCW Anto

That's it guys,
Stay Inspired ;)

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