

Hi guys!
What's up this Wednesday?

I saw her first in Biodun Stephen's film -Sobi's Mystic,then I saw her in another movie called 'Tough love'. It seemed as though with every movie that rolled out with her face in it, falling in love with her became easier.
You can't not notice her in any movie she's in, so I thought to ask her a few questions to help you get to know her better. Our woman crush today is the beautiful, uber-talented and fast rising actress,  Bolaji Ogunmola. Enjoy ;)

Hi Bolaji!

1) Why exactly did you choose to be an actor and not something else? (Details please) 
BOLAJI: Why did I decide to become an actor? Hmmm. You know growing up you watch movies and you are completely into the film and you forget your issues, house chores you were meant to do or even the fact that you haven’t eaten because of how great the movie is.... that’s the power of film, it entertains, it gives hope,it reassures,it empowers!!! I just knew I wanted to be part of something that phenomenal and to be honest I didn’t even know I was good at it until my drama teacher in church encouraged me to give it a try. I was sold the moment I did my first church play.

2)     If you had the chance to be the lead role in any classic (local or international) which movie?
BOLAJI:  I think it would be Titanic... lol. I love love....

3)     What has been the proudest moment you’ve ever had since the beginning of your career?
BOLAJI: Getting one long ass email from someone about how one of my movies  helped her through some stuff!!! I was literally crying!!! That was definitely worth more than an Oscar award, I tell you.

4)     You must have times when things aren’t going as well as you thought they would, how do you get yourself back up during those times?
BOLAJI:  Hmmm.  See ehn, I PRAY!!! I won’t even lie, there were days I thought I wasn’t good enough or I should just find another occupation but I knew deep down, I was meant to be doing what I am doing. Thank God for friends also that encourage you.

5)     What three tips will you give to those starting out in the entertainment industry (acting specifically) ?
BOLAJI:  Develop your craft, Don’t be discouraged by No’s, I still get no’s sometimes, If you can’t think of doing anything else apart from acting, then you are one of us. Believe in yourself.

6)     What’s one thing you'd like to say to your '20 year old' and '50-year old' self respectively?
BOLAJI: To my 20 years old self- Thank you for not giving up, thank you for believing that you were meant to be more and thank you for following your purpose. To my 50 years old self- Thank you for inspiring your community and thank you being a role model.

7)      What’s on your mind this Wednesday?
BOLAJI:  How to get more people around me to get their PVC and who to vote for......

That's it guys,
Stay Inspired,
PS: If there's anyone you would like for me to interview, drop a comment below ;)

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