

Happy Wednesday fellaz!

It's a great Wednesday to be alive. I'm so jolly today and I'm not sure why; Probably some good news is on the way. Can I get an 'amen' somebody? lol
I think that we live in a very blessed and privileged generation. I mean, how cool is it that you can do what you genuinely have passion for and make cool cash at it, while sitting at home on your couch or laying in bed? You don't have to get stuck in traffic, or have to see colleagues that you actually dislike ( I kid) but my point is with the invention of the internet there's so many opportunities available to us.
One of the many people who have harnessed one of such opportunites today is the amazing Tosin Ajibade. She's the founder of the renowned lifestyle and entertainment website, which has gained so much traction over the years. She is also the organizer of the New Media Conference held annually in Nigeria. Enjoy my short chat with her ;)

Hi Tosin!
1)     The ‘olorisupergal brand has become a huge success; if you could attribute your success to three things. What would they be?

TOSIN: It will have to be :
1) Consistency
2) Evolving with trends
3) Branding

2)      What do you love most about the career path you’ve chosen for yourself?

TOSIN: I love the fact that I can work with the flow.

3)      What’s something people aren’t quick to believe about you?

TOSIN: One thing people aren't quick to believe about me is the fact that I am not what my job seems to be. We are quite the opposite.

4)     What inspired you to begin ‘the new media conference' which you now organise yearly?

TOSIN: The lack of information in the industry was getting too much and people relied on information going around. There was a need for discussions about new media, social media so we created the platform for new media enthusiasts and also to add value to the industry.

5)     One thing you love to do outside of work is?

TOSIN: to take a trip out of Lagos to unwind

6)     What’s one thing you'd like to say to your '20 year old' and '50-year old' self respectively?

TOSIN: To my 20 year old self - Well done for going through the process. To my 50-year old, welcome to the grandma world lol!! I don't know what the future will hold here but I want to enjoy whatever it brings.

That's it guys, you can check Tosin out on her website
Stay inspired,

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