

Hi guys!
Issa wednesday!!! I know i'm not supposed to be excited considering the disaster that befell us Nigerians last night lol. But as they say, life goes on. Our boys did the best they could.

Moving on, a friend of mine did something amazing recently and I can't understand why I didn't share her story on here earlier. She launched her fashion line but ... there's a BUT, the line produces beautiful ready-to-wear Ankara sleeves. As ladies, sometimes, we want to wear some dresses but we change our minds because they are sleeveless and may not fit the occasion.
Well, our WCW, Debrah waters has helped us solve this problem with the introduction of her fashion  brand, 'Debrah Waters.' Enjoy ;)

Hi Debrah! 1)            You are a presenter and a fashion entrepreneur, what do you love most about the career path you’ve chosen for yourself?

DEBRAH: I love that I’m living my dream. I’ve always known that I wanted to be a TV Presenter and a Fashion entrepreneur which is why I ensured that I followed these dreams in the strive towards carving a career path for myself. I am passionate about entertainment as well as fashion and I believe strongly in making your passion your career so that when challenges come by, your passion is enough to keep you happy and hopeful. So yes, apart from the glitz and glam…I love that I am doing the things that make me happy!

2)  You recently launched your fashion line which makes fashionable Ankara sleeves, how did you get that fabulous idea?

DEBRAH: Debrah Waters, the fashion brand, is a unique brand which was setup to create African fashion solutions and also to redefine and commercialize high fashion in Africa.

The idea of the ready-to-wear Ankara sleeves came to me earlier in the year when I was getting ready for a presentation. I was supposed to wear a pretty sleeveless dress but I honestly thought the dress would be prettier if it had sleeves. “What if we had fashionable and removable sleeves that you could rock with anything sleeveless from camisoles, tubes and possibly dresses?” And better still, “what if they were made from Ankara fabrics?” It was just a seed, a thought that needed to be tested. This gave birth to the Debrah Waters Super Stylish Sleeves.

3) How did you get the confidence to launch, did you have any fears?

DEBRAH: I think the confidence to launch my fashion brand “fell on me” when I didn’t win a beauty pageant sometime in 2017. I was particularly pained because of the amount of money I spent in getting ready for the contest. At that point, I had to decide if I was willing to continue to waste my hard earned money on chance or if I wanted to build something for myself that I would be proud of many years to come. I chose the latter.

And yes I had  fears. Many. Like how do I get the capital to start up? What if people don’t like my designs? How soon will I begin to get a return on investment or will there ever be returns? Etc. But just like many other scenarios in my life, fear had never been an excuse. I have failed many times, been told “No” a couple times…but that never stopped me from trying.

4) What’s your favourite talk show?

DEBRAH: Hmmmn…this is a hard one though! I have many favorites but I think the one that stands out for me is “Your View” on TVC. I simply love the way the women dissect political issues and profer personal solutions to them. I hope to create a show like that for girls sometime soon.

5) What’s one thing you'd like to say to your '20 year old' and '50-year old' self respectively?

DEBRAH: To Debrah at 20,

This is the best time for you to focus on yourself and explore. It’s okay to wanna be so many things at this stage- It’s just a phase. You would feel confused and not good enough but don’t stop there! Keep enjoying your journey to self discovery. And don’t forget to have some FUN baby coz’ YOLO!

To Debrah at 50,

I know you are the hottest mama ever liveth but hey, don’t be too hard on the younger ones…I also know you don’t want them to make the same mistakes you made and its okay to feel that way. Guide them while letting them experience life. Experience they say is the best teacher. And hey, keep being the hottest!

6) What’s on your mind this Wednesday?

DEBRAH: Money baby. Money!

That's it guys,
Stay Creative

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