

Hi guys!

Whats up ;) so we had a fitness trainer as our WCW last week and I figured we could balance out the equation by having a male fitness trainer today as our MCM. He is a fitness trainer at Ghana's premier 24hr Fitness center-Goldgym, today we are crushing on the one and only Ali Garba.  Enjoy ;)

Hi Ali!

1)     Did you always want to be a fitness trainer or it just happened? What’s your story?

ALI: No,I've never slept and dreamt of being a Fitness Trainer. I always wanted to be either a Telecoms engineer or dash into Building Technology. All the same, my desire was to be on field more than an office. I've always had that love for bodybuilding, health and fitness in general. The love had me going back to school to study something about human kinetics. Fitness is a whole different thing on its own and if you understand it, you fall passionately in love not partially. How it makes you time conscious, self disciplined, focused, patient, bold and confident.

2)     Tell us what you love most about working out and training others?

ALI: I believe the pride of every Proper Fitness trainer is to see the progress and transformation of their clients. Receiving a text, answering a phone call , or me standing before my client while they're appreciating the time, push and effort I invested into them alone is enough to make me feel on top of the world. That feeling you get when your clients stand in front of a mirror with pride and admit they do not regret their journey with you. My goodness!!

3)     What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learnt from being a fitness trainer?

ALI: Being a Fitness trainer, I've learnt what training teaches. It teaches us that there's a casual relationship between hard work and reward. Sometimes, you get lucky in life and experience rewards that you haven't earned, but this never happens in the Gym. You work hard, and good things happen there. You don't work hard and the good things fail to happen. You ONLY get what you work for. Nothing more, nothing less.

4)     What’s one junk food, you love but only get to have once in a while?

ALI: Hahaha .. Meat Lovers Pizza for sure! That's something I wish I can always have but in as much as size matters, I listen to my body and Physique as well.

5)     What’s one thing you'd like to say to your '20 year old' and '50 year old' self respectively?

ALI: To my "20 year old" self , it's important to have fun in life, but while you are out there partying around, someone out there is getting smarter and winning. Just remember that!

Then to my "50 year old" self, Life Is not fair, it only gives you what you fight for not what you deserve. Don't feel sorry for yourself and change what you don't like.

6)     What’s on your mind this Monday?

ALI: This Monday, I have my clients on my mind!

That's it guys, Keep up with Ali here
Stay fit,
Anjola ♡ 

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