

Happy Easter!!
Hope y'all are enjoying your holidays. In the spirit of peace and relaxation (chilling, if you are), we are chatting with a chef today. What other way to relax than to eat good food and who better to talk to about good food than a chef?

Our MCM is  Ladipo Ayodeji AKA Chef Dee. Enjoy ;)

Hi Chef Dee! ;)

1)     You’re a chef, please tell us how cooking (professionally) began for you, what’s the story?
CHEF DEE: I have always wanted to be a voice and never a noise in my life , doing something that will touch the world and allow me the opportunity to serve humanity in the best way I can . Cooking has always been a major part of my life that nobody can take away from me but it was not until 2017 before I declared my ultimate passion for cooking. I left every other thing I was doing, took a class to expand my horizon about the food culture and the business structure of food.

2)     What’s your most favourite meal to cook?

CHEF DEE: My favorite food from my state which is OFADA RICE ..... This is one food I can never get tired of and I make different twists to make it extra palatable ..

3)     What’s your most favourite meal to eat?
CHEF DEE:  Ofada rice and Ayamashe sauce

4)     Please tell us one big challenge you’ve faced in your career and you handled it?

CHEF DEE: The biggest challenge I have faced so far was hosting a premium event in the first year of my business. I have always been a conceptual minded person and I love planning events, so I had a home cookout in the middle of the year  for my birthday and the turnout was great. Many friends began to ask for another food engagement. I finally made my decision at the end of September to plan a cookout for the first week of December- a premium event-something I had never done before . I went around for sponsorship requests but many of the companies advised me to go ahead and come back after a successful event. I had very little resources so I had two options-to wait for another year to plan better or take the first step and grow regardless of the result and consequences. I took the business risk, went all out to plan the first FOOD CAROL event at the Bics garden lekki with top celebrities and great personalities in attendance and it was successful

5)     What are your top 3 tips for aspiring chefs?

CHEF DEE: BE EXTREMELY PASSIONATE - you have to be extremely passionate about cooking because the best meals come from the love in your heart.
CONCENTRATION- a simple mistake in the kitchen will destroy all your hardwork and can even get a whole house burnt , you need to have 100% concentration when you are in the kitchen .
SERVICE TO HUMANITY ; Cooking for the happiness of other people is a service to humanity, you are more like a soldier who is ready to die for his nation .

6)     What’s on your mind this Monday?
 CHEF DEE:I haven't gotten over the Billionaire's wedding that held in Lagos two weeks ago , I think it's a dream of every chef to serve the kings and queens as well as the noble men of the world  , I am working very hard so I will also have my opportunity  to serve in the midst of the great men of my  generation. There's a joy that comes with eating good food , that joy can change the world for good !!!

Stalk Chef Dee's awesome delicacies here @chefdeee on Instagram

That's it guys, hope you enjoyed! ;)
Stay inspired!

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