

Youtubers! This one is for you.:)

I'm always excited when I hear people talk about their career stories- Moving from a 7 figure salary to a 6 figure salary just for the peace of mind,  quitting a 9-5 to follow their passion or even starting a 9 to 5 to help build and become a part of something bigger than themselves. Sheer bravery!
Our MCM today shares one of such stories, while dishing out important advice that is sure to give you the perfect drive your Monday needs.
I am a Youtuber  as well so trust me when I say that this interview is pure gold. Our Man Crush is Youtuber and IT consultant, Bunmi Eleshin. Enjoy ;)

Hi Bunmi

1)     You used to work a 9-5 in the IT sector, why did you leave that to do what you currently do now ?  (Youtube/videography)

BUNMI:  Yes I used to work with an IT firm. I left the 9-5 life because I needed to discover myself. I was very good at my "job" and moved up the ranks quickly in so little time but I ALWAYS felt there was something I needed to be doing “out there”. What I am trying to say is I was very comfortable but I wasn’t convinced I was on the right track with my purpose and who I wanted to be. So I basically left my 9-5 to venture on a journey of self discovery. I stumbled into so many things and one of the things I discovered was VLOGGing which led me to starting a YouTube channel. I actually still consult for some companies in the IT sector I used to work in, I also run digital marketing services for some SME companies and ultimately I have recently found myself being asked to shoot commercial videography projects.

2)     One moment in your life that still has you in awe would have to be…………….
BUNMI:  Recently I had back to back awe moments. Nedu from Wazobia FM posted one of my short Instagram videos on his instagram account and spoke about my vLOGs on his radio station. I was also invited by Cool FM for a radio show (myweddingradioshow) to come speak about my vLOGs. These were moments that had me in awe!.

3)     If you had a magic wand, and could wish for something for your youTube channel, what ONE thing would that be?
 BUNMI: hahahahaha, this is a tricky question…If I was to choose one, I would definitely choose to have more subscribers. Someone recently asked me if I was to choose between 1 Million Naira and 1 Million active followers…I am sure you know what I chose. I believe whichever endorsement you get is because of the work you have put in to build your community and audience; that is what brands eventually approach you to be a part of. so Subscribers!

4)     Your YouTube Channel has grown rapidly over the last year, what 3 tips would you say have helped you to achieve this?

BUNMI: i. START WITH WHAT YOU HAVE - I started shooting my vLOGs with my phone and actually still do. I did not wait to get a BIG DSLR camera before starting.

ii. BE ORIGINAL AND BE YOURSELF - if there is something i hear so much from people it’s these words “I love how you are yourself and your originality”.

iii. Be CONSISTENT - 3 words I learnt very early in my beginning days were - JUST KEEP UPLOADING - these words will live with me forever because they have really helped in my drive to continuously push for quality and self improvement.

5)     What’s your greatest fear at the moment?

BUNMI:  Loosing my laptop…LOL. It has been a fundamental tool in getting me where I am today.

6)     A piece of advice you hold very dearly is…..

7) It's Monday, tell us about someone (male) you look up to and why?

BUNMI:  Will Smith - He has stayed relevant for as long as I can remember. He discovered himself very early on and went down that path with laser eye focus. He has continuously re-invented himself with each change and direction his industry has undergone. That is the path I am looking to follow.

8)     What’s on your mind this Monday?

BUNMI:  Monetization…LOL. My motto for 2018 is how to monetize and improve on everything I am involved in. Also how to make a lasting and positive dent in my niche/industry.

Check out his Amazing channel here: You're welcome ;)

That's it guys!
Stay Inspired! ;)

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