

Hi guys! Happy vaaaaals day*whoop whoop

If you've watched the movie 'Hakkunde', then you can understand why Vals' day is not the only reason I'm excited today. I was so intrigued by the story that I had to find out who wrote it, then I discovered it was an author I was obsessed with, as I had just finished her e-book -Dear Future husband (Great read btw). I had a chat with her to pick her brains. I hear writers always have a lot in their heads and I think that's pretty evident from the length of this interview. Our Woman crush today is the amazing Tomi Adesina. Enjoy ;)

1)     You have published two interesting novels ‘George’s pieces of me’ and ‘Dear future husband’, which were very well received, what was the writing process like for you and  how long did it take you to finish them?

TOMI:  Thanks a lot for having me, Anjola. Actually, George's Pieces of Me is my first paperback publication. Dear Future Husband, Beautiful Stranger, Clueless, Fola King were fiction series on my blog which I later published as ebooks for the audience to have them as a whole read. So, let's start with George's Pieces of Me (GPOM), the birthing took about few weeks and the creation process was done in two months, however, the back and forth with my editor did take some more time but it's creation was pretty instantaneous. I knew I always wanted to do something that connected to the Human mind and was relatable, so writing GPOM was like telling Human stories, but from a character's point of view.

About Dear Future Husband (DFH), I am always in awe and immensely grateful to God and the fans when I think of the reception it received. It was a story I didn't expect much from and I was taken by surprise at the huge following. It ran for almost 26 weeks on my blog, back then, I was in my final year in the university so I was blessed to have people talk about the story without knowing the author was in their school, pretty interesting.

2)  What is your routine usually like whenever you have a writing project?

TOMI:   I draw up plans a lot. I have a lot of journals that I create my schedule with, what do I do on Monday, Tuesday and so on, how much time do I spend doing this and that, so it helps me with writing as well. I write from home so I start off with creating my plan for the project, break down the story into blocks, acts, notes and then pick the first point of writing. I could write straight for hours, depending on how the mood is, and I could also abandon it for hours. After a while, I try to break up writing with a movie, food or video games. I try to abstain from video games when on a deadline because they can be very addictive. I also use football matches to take a break before returning to my writing.

3) What's the craziest/sweetest thing a fan has ever done for you?   

TOMI:   Ah! Lol. What is it? Hmmm...okay, there was one time that someone made me a card, handcrafted, very small, special card and I really did love it. I'm thankful for it.

4)      What's the best advice you’ve ever been given and by who?
TOMI:  "When you're lost in the dark, Keep your eyes on me."

This is a line from Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's 'Keep your eyes on Me', it feels like a message to me from God and I'm currently living my life as much as I can that way. Joyful place to be.

5)     What do you love most about your work?
TOMI:   Me. I am fascinated about investing my emotions in every word I write. I'm not at the level I want to be yet when it comes to investing me into my works, but I'm grateful for the beautiful mess and process I currently am.

- I also love the emotions it evokes with the audience. It gives me a great deal of joy to have people go on that ride with me.

6)     You wrote the script for the highly acclaimed movie 'Hakkunde'  –how did that gig come about and and what would you say helped you tell that story so beautifully?

TOMI:  First, I'm glad you enjoyed Hakkunde. It was a job I almost didn't take on because I was on the verge of writing my first semester examination during my Master's Programme at the time but I met the Director, Asurf Oluseyi, a very compelling individual who took the time to drive to me at the University of Lagos to share his dream - due to the effort taken, I was impressed to do the job which was simply telling the story of a lot of Nigerians but with a difference, picking an opportunity when fear is tossed aside. A lot of us live in fear - fear of the unknown and we're just so afraid to jump because we're afraid that we'd fall, but there's also the tendency that we'd fly and that's what was portrayed in this story. I just needed to be as honest as I could be in telling in, with of course, the Director's views in mind.

7)     Three of your all time favourite books?
TOMI:  - Redeeming Love, Francine Rivers
- Zoya, Danielle Steele
- Blind of an eye, Ted Dekker

8) One of your widest dreams?
TOMI:  Alone on a beach, watching the sun go down and listening to one of my favourite songs with no worries in my mind. Not one worry, just living in the moment.

9)  What’s on your mind this Wednesday?

TOMI:  Hahaha! I am preparing myself emotionally for an Episode of "This is Us"💓😭☺♥

That's it guys!

Stay Inspired

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