

Holla fam, Hope your Monday is going well? There's so much beauty to behold in this world, hence why I never get tired of interviewing  photographers. I get excited at the thought of picking their brains and knowing what goes on in their minds and in their eyes (or in the eyes of their mind lol)
Our Man Crush this monday is Damilare of Legendary Shot. Enjoy :)

Hi Damilare!

1) You take very creative shots, how do you choose stories to create?
Damilare: My social environment, things I see, movies , pictures etc mostly influence the kind of stories I get to create because those are my major source of inspiration. 

2) What do you love most about photography?
Damilare: The flexibility and also being able to create in my own way. I can't just imagine a better way of communicating and inspiring people than this.

3) What's been the most memorable photo shoot you've ever had?
Damilare: I would say this was a photoshoot I had back then in University (Landmark University) with a friend of mine , her name is Nashida and she's mixed. So I got this inspiration to just create a fictional portrait of her in terms making her look more like a Queen/goddess.
And with the help of some of my friends we got creative and was able to use a flowery bed-sheet to create a robe on our subject and also cotton poles as her staff and then we made use of flowers to create a very nice kind of halo on her head . My team pulled it through sincerely and I'm still very much grateful till date.

4) Tell us the top 3 people you'll love to take pictures of?
Damilare: Genevieve: I feel she's going to be a very interesting subject for me to make dreamy portraits with.
    Wizkid: We all know he's on top of his game right now but that's not a reason for me to want to create something with him.
I just really want to create portraits with him that would be able to interpret his story as an individual and not just a celebrity .
    Morgan Freeman: I just have that belief that this very talented man would be a great subject for me to make special portraits with. His movies are top notch and a must watch always.

5) How do you keep yourself constantly inspired?

Damilare: By constantly wanting more , I'm at this point where I feel like I need to do more , the hunger is always there to do more so I think that keeps the fire burning.

6) What's on your mind this Monday?
Damilare: Relaxation basically, hook up with friends , eat, talk and just have a good time .
Stay inspired!

You can follow Damilare on social media:
Instagram: @callmekoldre
Twitter: @callmekoldre

some of his works:

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