

Hi guys! Its another Wednesday. Hope you all are doing well? Today, we are crushing on the CEO of Fiber Rose- Ibukun Awosika- people  always think she's related to  the renowned First bank Chairman, Ibukun Awosika but she's not.I spoke to her about her about her style, motivation and of course, her  fashion company called Fiber Rose- Enjoy ;)

Hi Ibukun!

1)      When and how did you get the idea for Fiber Rose? 
IA: I was 17 in my second year of uni. I had run a make up sales business in my first year and a friend suggested it to me. I was opposed to it but eventually came around and I'm glad I did

2)      What would you say has been your proudest moment since the Fiber rose journey began?
IA: I really don't know if I have a proudest moment but it's been a combination of many things. This year I started out with a goal to release two Ready to Wear collections but I've surpassed          that and that makes me so happy. I was nominated for an award and I thought that was cool too.

3)      One thing that makes you/will make you fulfilled.
IA: What makes me fulfilled is actually impacting others. Either from making them feel special in my clothes or by sharing my knowledge. I'm obsessed with sharing my knowledge! The                   moment I learn something, I want someone else to know. Lol

4)      What motivates you even when things are not going right?
IA: I think it will be kind of looking back on how far I've come. When the future seems overwhelming I take a moment to look at my journey and the things I'm grateful for.

5)      Best Fashion related advice you’ve ever heard/given?
IA: Best Fashion advice I've gotten is that style isn't about the clothes you wear but about you. I'm still finding what my style is and owning it. Best I've given I think would be that when you             buy clothes, it's an asset because you're investing in your look and other people's perception of you! I mean after hearing that don't you just want to shop Fiber Rose!

6)      3 people you’d really love to see wearing  ‘Fiber Rose’.
    1. Mrs Ibukun Awosika
    2. Tara Durotoye
    3. A First Lady/President

7)      One unpopular belief that you have?
IA:  That animals are not to be trusted because I think they're about to attack at any given time. But I'm getting a puppy soon though! Lol

8)      What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?
IA: My YouTube! I started learning Video Editing this year and I LOVE EET!!! And combining that with being able to share my knowledge is gold. So subscribe to my Youtube - TheHotstuffTV *wink*

9)     What's it like being a namesake of Ibukun Awosika (chairman, First bank)?
IA:  I never feel intimidated by it. I feel very inspired really. Something cool you might want to know is we both spoke at an event once. And they had to keep referring to us as either
 Ibukun Awosika Snr or Ibukun Awosika Jnr. I thought that was funny lol.  I've always wanted to keep my name when I get married but I decided that if she could marry into a family and               make it hers then my goal is make a great name out of mine. I definitely have high standards to live up to but it definitely inspires me to do more

10)     What’s on your mind this Wednesday? (Anything you want to say)
IA:  My secondary school had this quote up, 'Character is who you are in the dark'. Thinking about this, I would say, don't do things ecause people are watching but because it's the right thing          to do but the truth is someone is always watching so make sure they're inspired by you.

Stay Inspired guys!

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