

Wednesdays are very special to me and I'm not sure why, maybe it's because I was born on Wednesday; But then again my heart isn't satisfied with that explanation so I'll just say I don't know why! I love Wednesdays and our WCW today has just has me ecstatic. So much knowledge and enthusiasm in one person. Folu Storms is an actor, host and and explorer. Enjoy!

1)      You’re an OAP and TV Presenter; is media/communication something you’ve always been passionate about?

FOLU: I guess I've always been passionate about communicating and being an advocate. I didn't know media was were I would end up as I'm a barrister and practiced the law for a short time before making the transition. I have always wanted to make a difference in the lives of people and one day I realised media could help me do that in a way the law could not.

2)      How did you get the 'Storms' in your name?

FOLU: The "Storms" pseudonym was born out of a love for water and a fascination with Yoruba Mythology. The understanding that God is in nature and the power of the waters even through storms held a special attraction for me. I chose a name specifically for media that reflected that.

3)      What’s the weirdest/most unusual type of music you listen to?

FOLU: Haha I think people are surprised by my eclectic taste in music. I don't consider any music weird but it's surprising to some that I enjoy a bit of heavy metal, classical music (Rachmaninoff or Tchaikovsky are my personal favourites) I'm a big fan of cinematic type of music ( Think Josh Groban and Nigerian artists like Lindsey Abudei and Some Bemyoda). I love blues, and I can get down with country music too. Lol nothing is off limits...except maybe trance music... I'm not sure I'm really on that train yet.

4)      Tell us one thing about you that people aren’t usually quick to believe.

FOLU: I am afraid of heights and scared of flying. That one usually throws people off considering my lifestyle choices :-)

5)      What's one thing you hope to have achieved by the time you're 50?
FOLU: To have nurtured and raised my own loving and supportive family while attaining my career goals.

6)      What inspires you?

FOLU: Life. It sounds cheesy but I am inspired by life everyday, the surprises it brings. I don't have any two days that are the same and each day is an opportunity to learn from people around me and the successes and failures of that moment. I am most inspired by the many small moments which woven together form the gorgeous tapestry of our lives and I am committed to living out each moment with joy and gratitude so help me God.

7)      Anything on your mind this Wednesday?

FOLU: This Wednesday, giving is on my mind. "Givers never lack". Often, we take this to mean money but giving of yourself and your time and whatever it is you have that you can give at that moment could make all the difference to another. Give a smile. Give a joke. Give some old shoes, give advice. Give a little this Wednesday.

This was quite a long read, possibly the longest we've had on this segment but I learnt a lot and i'm definitely going to start giving more starting today! Oh I love Lindsey Abudei too. I should interview her. *fingers crossed.
Stay inspired!

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