
MCM: June Recap

Hi Peeps! This is honestly the first Monday I can confidently say 'Happy Monday' without expecting readers to roll their eyes. What a wonderful time to be alive. LOL. 4 days of holiday! Happy Eid ul fitr to all our muslim readers.

Today is the last Monday in June, so I decided to do a recap of all the 'hanzome bobos' we've had on our MCM segment; But a simple recap will be so boring and you can always go back to read the articles, it's not like they are transient. We'll be spicing it up a little. I'm going to be writing out my favorite responses from all our MCM's so far. If you're ready, let's cut to the chase!

Yemi was a ball of wisdom. Even the fun questions I asked turned out being motivational. Sigh. So here's my best from him.

One thing I never forget to do in my "hours of life" is praise God. For you, you can spend your 'hours of life' meditating OR praying, the point is take some time off everyday.

Ayoola's note to his twenty year old self was so apt. Here it goes-Don't be in a Hurry, enjoy this moments. Your tomorrow is sorted. Everyone should be reminded of this everyday. Live in the moment.

Lawyartist was such a joy to interview; Maybe it's his cartoons/ artworks that just make me happy but once i hear layartist, I'm glad. My favourite line from him is- 
I try to draw every day after my 9-6 as a lawyer; it’s really that simple. It’s simple but consistency is key. Yes, whatever it is you do, remember to be consistent.

My favourite from him would just have to be the fashion trend he loves- "reflector framea, You just can't see through my frames but you see yourself" Who doesnt love those?

Jon was so sweet! My favourite response from him was an answer to the question " if you could delete one year in your life, which would it be." . He said -would've have said 2011, leaving the United States to the United Kingdom. However, I believe that all things work together for my good, so all the years I have spent add up to this moment. So no matter how bad things get, remember its part of your success story ;)

I was so happy to ask this question and even happier with the response- If you could change something in the world with the flip of a switch, what would it be?
SLK said he'll switch off the quest for money making by all means and Switch on honesty and doing the right things. Well, what could be more important?

That's it! If you'll like to read the fuller interviews, just click on their names.

Happy holidays!

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