
#LamideLive... at #asaLiveInLagos encore

Hi guys, Lamide Akintobi here! How is May going for you so far? It's been a busy couple of weeks, and whenever life gets hectic, I can't help but reminisce about the most recent things I've done that made me happy. For me that was the May-Day holiday - A holiday weekend is always chock-full of activity, and this one was no different. May Day weekend was LIT!

On April 29th, the incomparable Asa came back to Lagos for her “Asa Encore: Live in Lagos” concert. I’d never been to an Asa concert, although I’ve seen her perform at other events. But I knew, from reviews of last year’s concert, that it was an experience I couldn’t miss again. So off I went, ticket in hand, to experience the magic myself. Unfortunately, due to ticket hustling outside, I missed a couple of the opening performances, but I caught Aramide, Lindsey Abudei, Funbi and Omolara. Aramide put up a great show as usual. I’m definitely a fan. I have to say I was hugely impressed by Lindsey Abudei, because despite a restless crowd and sound glitches, she managed to keep her cool and wow us all. I don’t envy any performer in front of thousands of people when there’s a problem going on she can’t fix, and literally has nowhere to run. Next, Mr. Funbi and his sweet voice came on, after which Omolara, who I knew of only as a songwriter, came and slayed! Beautiful songs, beautiful performance. I’d pay to hear this group of performers in a small venue, any time.
Eventually, (because it seems inevitably, Nigerian events just don’t start on time), Asa came up on the stage and the magic began. 

Pure magic!
Weaving her stories through all her songs with help from her amazing 30 piece orchestra and backup singer/manager/sister/friend Janet, Asa was on fire! She shared funny stories (she said she may turn to stand-up comedy if this whole singing thing doesn’t work out) to a poignant story of how she got signed in France, even showing us her flirty side during one of the songs, when she sat on the lap of one of the orchestra members to ask him if he had a girlfriend. From ‘Awe’ to ‘Moving on’ to classics like ‘Eiye Adaba’ and ‘Be my man,’ the crowd laughed, sang along, and I know I got my entire life. 

Asa and her amazing 30-piece Orchestra
When she sang my personal favorite diss track ‘Bimpe’ – you could hear the sheer joy as people joined in. And yes, I said diss track. Ask a Yoruba person to translate that song for you and you’ll know what I’m saying is true J With a set like that, accompanied by that orchestra, eve the set design and lights contributed to the magic - staying on your tush all night wasn’t an option, VVVIP or not! 

2 outfit changes and many songs later, the event was over and we all went home, basking in the afterglow of Asa’s magic. 

Don't I look dazed by the magic? Lol!

Lamide, signing out!

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