
#Life101 Grief is a funny thing...

Grief is a funny thing. And when someone you know dies, the grief comes and goes.

The night my grandmum ('mama') passed on, I began to organise my wardrobe. I went to bed like 2am with a very organised life. Like if I stopped folding I would cry.

I couldn't write about them (my grandmums) for so long because writing would mean they were really gone.

Some days some thing happens and I think of them. Like how mama gave me snacks and grandma's hair.

Last year in December, my colleague passed and I remember I cried. But then I foolishly thought I was fine.
Then I was speaking about something yesterday and just started crying.

Because he wasn't just a colleague. Other than my immediate boss and the owner, he was my first contact at top. He actually taught me how to use the system at work. He was a superstar. 

And then he just died sha. And like that Ruby song, sun no stop to shine, rain no stop to fall, grass no stop growing...
Life sha kept going on.

So I cried, for him. And for life. Which is fleeting. And all we do, get and own? Vanity.
All is vanity.

Grief is a funny thing.

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