
#FoodieNews Try some #French cuisine next week!

Fancy some bleu cheese, olives, loads of French wine and some amazing cuisine? Read on!
On  21  March,  over  2000  restaurants  in  150  countries  will  participate  in  the  Goût de/Good France event to celebrate French gastronomy.
This event, orchestrated by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development and chef Alain Ducasse,  is  inspired  by  Auguste  Escoffier,  who  launched  the  “Dîners  d’Épicure” (Epicurean Dinners) initiative in 1912: the same menu,  on the same day, in several world cities, for as many guests as possible. 
Chefs  from  all  over  the  world  will  cook a  dinner  to  pay  tribute  to  the  excellence of French  cuisine  while showcasing the French lifestyle.
#FunFact- A third of tourists have in fact said they visit France to enjoy its cuisine!
This  third  edition  will  also  spotlight  culinary  training  schools  and  hotel  business schools. Schools  and apprentices worldwide will participate in the event to concoct “French-style” dinners on the evening of 21 March and several French chefs will swap restaurants with foreign chefs for an evening in a spirit of sharing and conviviality.  
Goût de/Good France benefits from an international promotional campaign enabling all participating chefs to showcase their cuisine and expertise with the active support of French  embassies,  Atout  France  and  media  partners,  France  Médias  Monde,  TV5 Monde and JCDecaux. 
Find out more!!!
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: hashtag #GoodFrance. 

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