
#TravelThursday: Staying healthy while on holiday

Travelling is a lot of fun but you know what is not fun? Falling ill while on holiday. Yuck! Who wants to go through that?

To avoid falling ill and spending your holiday in bed, check out some of the things you can do.

- Get a check up!
Have your doctor do a quick once over to ensure everything is a okay!
- Get your travel insurance done!
While some visa applications require you to have travel insurance, if you are going to a visa free place, still get some kind of insurance for yourself.
- Take the meds you need
If there are certain medications you need to take then you should take them along. Have your own mini first aid kit which includes bandages, plasters, pain relievers etc.
Lastly remember, the fact that something is over the counter in your country does not make it same all over.
You know any health issues you might have. So ensure you stock up on meds to take with you. Do not forget your meds!
- Do your research!
Check out what precautions are necessary for where you are going and also what to avoid.
- Have a medical contact!

- Mind what you eat. ..
And Drink!

I am pretty adventurous when it comes to food but always be cautious, especially if you have allergies. Most restaurants will tell you what's in the food so that's fine but be careful about eating at just any place or even fruits etc. And be extra careful when it comes to water!
- Stay active and alert
Exercise a little but don't over exert yourself.
- Wear appropriate clothing
If you are in a cold place, stay warm. If it is warm, ensure your clothing is loose. It might seem basic but it is easy to forget. Shawls and jackets are a girl's best friend!
- Be careful with insects and animals
(Even here please. Lol)

- See a doctor!
Do another post trip check up
- Ease back in
Rest for an extra day if you can before going back to work / school to avoid breaking down!
I hope these help.

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