
#TravelThursday Olumo Rock... an experience i will never forget!

I remember being in school and going on excursions. One of the most fun excursions ever was to Olumo Rock in Abeokuta. That day, i learnt a little more about myself (like lengths i would go to to go on an excursion and that when push comes to shove, i will push myself). More on those lessons later but let us talk about Olumo Rock and how it is one of the tourist attractions we have in Nigeria.

Some things have changed since i went, and some stay the same. But why should you check Olumo Rock out!


The caves in Olumo rock smell of history and time.. 

The rock served as a shelter for many of the survivors, who were said to have hidden in specific areas inside the caves located inside the rocks to evade attacks from enemies. Those caves still bear the stories of the people who lived in them and that is how Abeokuta got its name (Under the Rock).


There are women living in and around Olumo rock, really old women, they usually take their time to explain to you the history of the rock, and how they felt growing up in its shadow. No history tracher can give you that! 

If you are lucky, you might meet the 'Iya Orisa' who will tell you the story of the civil war that hit Egbaland. Stories you won't forget easily. 


Don't leave without buying souvenirs like wrist bands and necklaces. You get something cute to tell stories with, and the people there make a living. So thank you, in advance!


If you are scared of heights, i don't think you will make it up there, but if you do,  you will be look down at Abeokuta all spread out before you in all its awesome glory. I tend to be a scaredy cat like most last borns but for this i really pushed myself and though i almost slipped once or twice, i made it to the top. When i got there, i had like a rush of emotions going through me- like wow Tosyn, you can do anything!
It was a great feeling!

There you have it!
Now hope next time we see, you can say to be proudly, i make it under the rock!

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